The finest and most comprehensive test preparation in Texas

LSAT Prep Options in San Antonio

ScorePerfect has helped countless students in Texas achieve amazing LSAT score increases. Our live online LSAT prep course is perfect for undergrads at UTSA, St. Mary’s University of Texas, and Trinity University, as well as for those who live and work in San Antonio. From expert instruction to world-class resources, we give you everything you need to succeed on test day!

45 hours of live online instruction through Zoom
Curriculum created by Robin Singh, who has achieved a world‑record 12 perfect LSAT scores
All classes taught by instructors who have at least five years of ScorePerfect teaching experience
Numerous drills and quizzes to help you hone your skills
18 full‑length, four‑section practice LSATs administered in the digital format
Thousands of pages of written explanatory content
80 hours of high‑definition instructional videos professionally filmed in live classroom settings
Extensive score reports that track your performance and timing
24/7 academic support from our team of expert instructors
Access to our massive bank of over 7500 official LSAT questions

Live Online Course Schedules

Early Summer Course (Su)
August 6-9, 2025 LSAT
Sabrina Jacks
  • 20 years of ScorePerfect teaching experience
  • Has taught the ScorePerfect course 106 times
  • Member of our Research & Development team
  • Academic Support manager
  • Scored a 172 on an officially administered LSAT
Start Date:
April 20, 2025
*one Tuesday ()
Early Summer Course (Th)
August 6-9, 2025 LSAT
Rachel Sheffield
  • Director of ScorePerfect Academic Support
  • Over 20 years of ScorePerfect teaching experience
  • Has taught the ScorePerfect course 59 times
  • Trains new LSAT instructors
  • Member of our Research & Development team
  • Scored a 177 on an officially administered LSAT
Start Date:
May 1, 2025
*three Tuesdays ()
Early Summer Course (M/W)
August 6-9, 2025 LSAT
Jeff Benjamin
  • Over 20 years of ScorePerfect teaching experience
  • Has taught the ScorePerfect course 91 times
  • Has instructed over 3000 ScorePerfect students
  • Member of our Research & Development team
  • NYU Law graduate
  • Scored a 180 on an officially administered LSAT
Start Date:
May 14, 2025

Self-Paced Online LSAT Course

For those who prefer to study on their own, the ScorePerfect self-paced online LSAT course is the perfect choice! Our video lessons are all taught by Robin Singhholder of a world-record twelve perfect scoresin live class settings. With every student miked up, you'll feel like you're there! You'll also have access to all of our comprehensive LSAT resources, including 24/7 academic support from our unrivaled LSAT faculty.

LSAT Date Available Starting
April 10-12, 2025 Now
June 5-7, 2025 Now
August 6-9, 2025 April 8, 2025 early start!
September 3-6, 2025 May 6, 2025 early start!
October 3-7, 2025 June 6, 2025 early start!

ScorePerfect LSAT Course Reviews

Erin Cusenbary | Trinity University Before ScorePerfect 154 After ScorePerfect 164

“I chose to enroll in the online course, since I was trying to balance studying for the LSAT with finals, a job, and being captain of my sports team. The flexibility of the online course was perfect for me, and I didn’t feel like the quality of the instruction I received was being sacrificed because I wasn’t being tutored in a classroom. The sheer amount of test material would have been helpful by itself, but the way the ScorePerfect system outlines different types of questions and provides explanations for the questions in every chapter helped me understand the LSAT better than I ever thought I could. I loved being able to control the pace of the course and focus on the specific types of questions that I felt required more time to fully understand. The ScorePerfect course helped me feel prepared and in control on my test date, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to improve their LSAT score.”

Camille Walker | Texas A&M University Before ScorePerfect 157 After ScorePerfect 169

“ScorePerfect works. Whether you are looking for the big score increase or just trying to get those last few points to hit your ideal score, the ScorePerfect course will cover you. The breadth and depth of materials is key. However, the unique organization of real exam questions, online resources, and effective instructors is what really makes this course work. The best part is that ScorePerfect approach to ALL the questions is consistent, so when you target one question type that is tripping you up, your proficiency in all the question types increases.”

Colin Walsh | University of Texas Before ScorePerfect 161 After ScorePerfect 170

“ScorePerfect was great! When you take the actual test nothing on it surprises or scares you because by the end you have seen it all before. You know how to approach each type of question, which is not something that is easy to do if you self-study. And let me tell you, there is no greater feeling than doing a question and knowing immediately that you treated it like the errant mule it was. I definitely recommend ScorePerfect to anyone planning to take the LSAT.”

Amy Jowers | UT Dallas Before ScorePerfect 160 After ScorePerfect 173

“I spent a ton of time researching different prep classes before choosing ScorePerfect, and I couldn’t be happier with my choice. ScorePerfect truly gives you everything you need to be successful on the LSAT. The online materials are easy to access and convenient to use. The ScorePerfect curriculum breaks the LSAT down into different question types and offers effective strategies for each type of problem. If you put in the time and work, and follow the process, I am confident that you will see your score increase. I highly recommend ScorePerfect!”

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to buy LSAT prep materials before I take the ScorePerfect class?

No. As an official LSAC licensee, ScorePerfect provides you with every LSAT question that has been released since the advent of the 120–180 scoring scale.

How does ScorePerfect choose its LSAT instructors?

After a thorough screening and audition process, all ScorePerfect instructors undergo a minimum of 100 hours of training to ensure that they are experts not only on the LSAT but also at helping others excel on the test.

Can ScorePerfect assist me with the law school application process?

Yes! Our admissions consulting services will provide you with personalized assistance on any part of your application. All of our consultants have been admitted to T14 law schools and are experts on the law school admissions process.

Does ScorePerfect offer private LSAT tutoring?

Yes! For students who want assistance outside of class, ScorePerfect offers one-on-one tutoring by the hour or in 10, 25, or 80-hour packages.