LSAT Prep Options in Houston
ScorePerfect is the go-to option for LSAT preparation in the Houston area. Our live online LSAT prep course is the premier choice for aspiring law students at University of Houston, UHD, and Rice who want every advantage on test day. With our world-class resources and unparalleled track record of success, ScorePerfect gives you everything you need to crush the LSAT!
Live Online Course Schedules
Early Spring Course (Tu)
June 5-7, 2025 LSAT
Tea Skela
Early Spring Course (Sa)
June 5-7, 2025 LSAT
Chris Tucker
Mid-Spring Course (Su/Th)
June 5-7, 2025 LSAT
Leigh-Ann Campbell
Self-Paced Online LSAT Course
The ScorePerfect self-paced online LSAT course is ideal for those who prefer to study on their own schedule. Our immersive video lessons give you the chance to learn directly from Robin Singh, the world-record holder for perfect LSAT scores. You'll also have on-demand access to all of our comprehensive resources—including thousands of video and written explanations, numerous drills and quizzes, and 24/7 academic support.
ScorePerfect LSAT Course Reviews
Camille Walker | Texas A&M University | Before ScorePerfect 157 | After ScorePerfect 169 |
“ScorePerfect works. Whether you are looking for the big score increase or just trying to get those last few points to hit your ideal score, the ScorePerfect course will cover you. The breadth and depth of materials is key. However, the unique organization of real exam questions, online resources, and effective instructors is what really makes this course work. The best part is that ScorePerfect approach to ALL the questions is consistent, so when you target one question type that is tripping you up, your proficiency in all the question types increases.”
Erin Cusenbary | Trinity University | Before ScorePerfect 154 | After ScorePerfect 164 |
“I chose to enroll in the online course, since I was trying to balance studying for the LSAT with finals, a job, and being captain of my sports team. The flexibility of the online course was perfect for me, and I didnt feel like the quality of the instruction I received was being sacrificed because I wasnt being tutored in a classroom. The sheer amount of test material would have been helpful by itself, but the way the ScorePerfect system outlines different types of questions and provides explanations for the questions in every chapter helped me understand the LSAT better than I ever thought I could. I loved being able to control the pace of the course and focus on the specific types of questions that I felt required more time to fully understand. The ScorePerfect course helped me feel prepared and in control on my test date, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to improve their LSAT score.”
Brad Gray | University of Texas | Before ScorePerfect 155 | After ScorePerfect 168 |
“I took my first diagnostic with ScorePerfect less than 24 hours after returning from a weeklong trip to Europe. My jet lag was so bad that walking in a straight line was a difficult task. Understandably, I was fairly pleased with my initial score of 155 considering the conditions.
But when I took the second diagnostic after a month’s worth of preparation and got the same exact score, I started to freak. How in the world could I not improve after a month of studying? I had attended every class, done every homework problem, and even slept ten hours the night before.
I fired off an email to our instructor asking her why I was having trouble with certain questions and why it took me longer to finish them before I had taken the class. She explained that we all took more time on the second diagnostic because we are actually still learning the tactics. I didn’t exactly believe her, but in retrospect she couldn’t have been more right. After a more few weeks of study, everything became much easier for me.
I couldn’t have had a better LSAT instructor. She really broke down the questions and was able to relate to us. On the actual exam I missed only two questions total on the logical reasoning sections and would have done significantly better on the test had I not undergone a slight panic attack on the reading portion and missed eight questions. Were I to take the test again today, I’m confident that I could be in the 170s. Based on the improvement that I saw, I would highly recommend this class to anyone preparing for the LSAT. The fact that the questions were separated into discrete groups was probably what helped me perfect my logical reasoning skills. I knew exactly what to expect when the real LSAT rolled around.”
Brooke Noble | University of Texas | Before ScorePerfect 159 | After ScorePerfect 170 |
“When I began studying for the LSAT I knew I was perfectly capable of achieving a high score, I just didn’t know how to go about getting there. I really recommend that anyone studying for the LSAT enroll themselves in the ScorePerfect course, as it will give you the skills to hone your natural abilities. I did a lot of research before choosing ScorePerfect and couldn’t be any happier with my decision! I truly felt 100% prepared on the day of my test, which is something I didn’t ever think would be possible.”